Mount and Blade Bannerlord / TaleWorlds Entertainment How to Feint. There are a few different kinds of feints you can perform in the game. First, we’ll take a look at Direction Switching Feints. Direction Switching Feints. Direction Switching Feints are quite simple and can be accomplished in a few easy steps.
Player characters may now select specialized abilities that improve their performance at levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. Similar to Companion Abilities, these talents carry a few different themes and further define the kind of fighter that you represent. Some of these abilities are unique only to a player, while there are other abilities that companions and troops have that are not available. Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord; How to make money in Bannerlord. By Christopher Livingston 09 April 2020. Trading, ransoming prisoners, battling thugs, completing quests, and more ways to profit in. Imperial Towns have a tournament preference that will be familiar for anyone coming from other Mount and Blade games. Sword and Board (Shield), Spear on Horseback, Archers, a good all around tournament with a notable absence of any two handed weapons, besides the odd spear. Home Tips 5 Tips to Play Mount & Blade Warband Efficiently M ount and Blade Warband is an open universe game with no specific end. You play as a character of the ancient continent of Calradia and fight your way to become either a king, or a leader, or a bandit or whatever you, wish to achieve.
Companions in AWOIAF
Mount And Blade Warband
- This table is not complete. An empty cell may mean none or not yet known.
Name | Likes | Dislikes | Upset by | Companion type | Level | Cost | Renown | Personality | Noble |
Anguy | Gendry, Thoros of Myr | Dick Crabb, Xhondo | Attacking the defenseless | Fighter (archer) | 29 | 16000 | Yes | ||
Brienne of Tarth | Gendry | Bronn, Ser Illifer the Penniless | Failing quests, fleeing from battles | Fighter, leader | 27 | 17000 | 405 | Upstanding | Yes |
Bronn | Anguy | Ser Illfer the Penniless | Not paying wages | Fighter | 2 | 1200 | |||
Bronson Snow | Gendry | Princess Khiarai, Shagga son of Dolf | Fighter | 10 | Upstanding | ||||
Crastos | Brienne of Tarth | Syrio Forel | Attacking the defenseless | Tracker, fighter | 3 | 1000 | 210 | Debauched | |
Dacey Mormont | Thoros of Myr | Crastos | Fighter (melee) | 27 | 3500 | 435 | Upstanding | Yes | |
Dick Crabb | Hibald | Anguy, Ser Illfer the Penniless | Engineer, fighter | 7 | 1500 | ||||
Dirk | Dacey Mormont | Princess Kiriarai | Not paying wages, fleeing from battle | Fighter | 1 | ||||
Gendry | Anguy, Brienne of Tarth | Hibald, Xhondo | Engineer | 1 | 550 | Upstanding | |||
Hagen the Beautiful | Val | Dick Crabb, Xhondo | Fleeing from battle | Fighter (throwing) | 13 | 270 | Good-natured | ||
Hibald | Dick Crabb | Gendry, Qyburn | Merchant | 8 | 1670 | ||||
Kurleket | Heavy losses, running out of food | Fighter | 5 | Event | 200 | ||||
Mya Stone | Gendry | Crastos, Shagga Son of Dolf | Looting(9) | 13 | 15000 | 255 | Upstanding | ||
Podrick Payne | Brienne of Tarth | None | Attacking the defenseless | Fighter | 2 | 550 | Good-natured | Yes | |
Qyburn ² | Xhondo | Shagga son of Dolf, Sylva | Not paying wages, heavy casualties | Surgeon | 4 | 10000 | |||
Sam | Event | ||||||||
Ser Barristan Selmy | Syrio Forel | Bronn | Failing quests, attacking the defenseless, heavy losses | Fighter | 38 | 32000 | 570 | Upstanding | Yes |
Ser Beron Grey | Mya Stone | Qyburn, Ser Creighton Longbough | 7 | 9000 | Upstanding | Yes | |||
Ser Creighton Longbough | Ser Illfer the Penniless | Bronn, Shagga son of Dolf | Fighter (mounted) | 4 | 2100 | ||||
Ser Illfer the Penniless | Ser Creighton Longbough | Bronn, Dick Crabb | Fleeing from battles | Figher (mounted) | 9 | 1900 | Martial | Yes | |
Ser Shadrich the Mad Mouse | Dacey Mormont | Brienne, Hibald | 33 | 32000 | 495 | Martial | Yes | ||
Shagga son of Dolf | Bronn | Ser Creighton Longbough, Qyburn | Not paying wages | Fighter | 23 | 7250 | |||
Sylva ² | Ser Beron | Qyburn, Ser Shadrich | Heavy losses, running out of food | Surgeon | 5 | 9000 | 210 | ||
Syrio Forel | Ser Barristan Selmy, Thoros of Myr | Anguy | Running out of food, fleeing from battles, attacking the defenseless | Trainer, fighter | 35 | 16000 | 540 | Upstanding | Yes |
Thoros of Myr | Anguy | Brienne, Qyburn | Surgeon and Fighter | 32 | 18000 | 480 | Martial | ||
Val | Brienne | Ser Illfer the Penniless, Hibald | Running out of food | Explorer, Emissary, Throwing | 11 | 3800 | 210 | Good-natured | |
Xhondo | Qyburn | Anguy, Gendry | Running out of food, not paying wages | Fighter | 10 | 600 | |||
Princess Khiarai | 150,000 | Yes | |||||||
Direwolf ¹ | Fighter | Quest | |||||||
Dongo ¹ | Wun-wun | Fighter (Infantry) | 42 | Quest | 630 | ||||
Wun-wun ¹ | Dongo | Archer | 42 | Quest | 630 | ||||
Brog Matter ¹ | Reed Matter | Fighter/Leader | 49 | Quest | Upstanding | Yes | |||
Reed Matter ¹ | Brog Matter | Fighter/Leader | 42 | Quest | Upstanding | Yes |
¹ These units equipments cannot be changed.
² These units are like maesters and can heal your injuries.
Units with special recruiting methods

- Kurleket is recruited through a random map event.
- Sam is recruited through a random map event.
- Dongo and Wun-wun are recruited via quest in the north. West of Thenn between a group of trees. You must be a wilding to recruit them.
- Direwolf can be recruited at the wolf's den. You must be a northman to recruit it.
- Brog Matter can be recruited if you chose to spare him after completing the Bringing a Warlord to Justice quest. You gain access to Bringing a Warlord of Justice quest sometime after reaching over 1,000 renown through a random map event.
- Reed Matter can be recruited after completing the quest Freeing a Brother. You gain access to Freeing a Brother quest after a set amount of time if you completed Bringing a Warlord to Justice quest and chose to spare Brog.
The Kingsguard
The Kingsguard are a special set of seven recruitable companions. They are recruited by freeing them from captivity.

See The Kingsguard article for more info.
Companions no longer in AWOIAF
- Ulf (Level 46) - This outlaw companion can be hired along with his mercenary company you can find discovering AWOIAF. (No longer a hero character as of 2.0)
- The Tattered Prince (Level 46) - This Noble companion can be hired along with his mercenary company his 2 companions (Caggo, lvl 46 and Denzo D'han, lvl 43) you can find discovering AWOIAF. (No longer a hero character as of 2.0)
Under Construction
This Wiki is used as a source of information for the Mount&Blade:Warband modification A World of Ice and Fire.
Mount & Blade Warband Review
| Features New Factions 22 new factions of which includes an invading faction. Several minor factions with their own relations and troop compositions. Storyline A rich and immersive story line which you can choose to follow or not. Book or TV version Choose which version of the mod to play. Static or Sandbox modes Choose Static wars or Sandbox campaign. Recruitable Sellsword Companies Recruit various sellsword companies or parties that roam the map, or kill them to remove opposition. Some of these will loot and raid villages. Brand New Map The map is roughly 3x the size of Native Warband. Custom Artwork Contains unique artwork for villages, towns, forts, castles and backgrounds. Make people love you, hate you, or fear you with a new system of improved relations. Choose a song from a Bard or play one yourself to entertain guests in towns for a boost in relation and coins. Bounty System You can ask the tavernkeepers for wanted lists and become a famous bounty hunter within the world of ASoIaF. Hunting System You can hunt animals in the woods for additional food or sell the skins for coin. Robust 'Reports' Menu Shows detailed, well-designed reports on faction/lord/lady relations, etc. Brand new 'Camp' and 'Character' Screens Taken from VC then modified to fit the mod. Shows in depth information on all aspects of your game inc new options menus and much more. You can buy or rent a ship at a shipyard and use it to travel on the sea. Currently there are 8 ships to choose from. Fight on the open ocean with moving ships where the wind will determine your speed, direction and effect the waves. More Lord Interactions Duel and kill Lords and Kings plus other NPCs. More dialogue options. You can recruit special troops by speaking to the Master-at-Arms of the location you own, by visiting various villages or visiting the 'other locations' menu in towns. Get injured in battle and see a Maester or Healer to get healed. Or recruit a companion that can do it for you. Extra Immersion A full weather system inc. flora blowing in the wind, windmills turning and new animations. Extra Characters Many characters from the books and TV show are present for you to engage with. The White Walkers will invade with an army of Wights late in the game. Only certain weapons can kill them. This option is toggable. Children now roam the streets plus the ability to have your own. Watch them grow and let them join your party or run your fief's. Take Kings Landing and become the king of the Seven Kingdoms. Banish lords to the Wall plus various custom events. Create your own settlement and upgrade it to add extra features. Unique Quests Many unique quests that fit the ASoIaF lore including the ability to rebuild a ruined castle. Rebuilt War Systems Essos and Westeros will be involved in there own wars only inter warring if necessary. Prohibited Slave Trading Only Wandering Crows will be found in Westeros, or speak to a Lord of the Nights Watch to get rid of your prisoners and bolster their numbers. Lord Companions Lords will have there own companions. Brand New Scenes All new scenes made specifically for the mod. Visit iconic places such as Pyke or Dragonstone for instance. Valyrian Weapons. Wildfire. Items that raise various attributes. Upgradable Items Upgrade your weapons or armour by speaking to a weaponsmith or armourer. Various armour will encumber you and the enemy if worn to battle. Morale is now handled differently. Have a Hornman or Standard Bearer to raise morale of troops nearby. Sieges are now handled differently and much more in depth. You can even attack some locations from the sea if you own a ship. Four Religions that fully impact the world and the way people react towards you. These Include: The Seven Faced God. The Lord of Light (R'hllor). The Drowned Gods. The Gods of the Old. More New Features: Random events. Discover-able locations each with their own features. Flaming swords. Recruitable Giants and Direwolf. Shield bash. Trait system. Horses slow when injured. Blood loss. Pre battle orders. Freelancer. Custom commander. Various mini games. More in depth looting options. Extra tournament options. Special blacksmiths to purchase faction specific gear....and much more! | A World of Ice and Fire Modification is a fan-created Mount and Blade: Warband modification based off of George R. R. Martin'sA Song of Ice and Fire and HBO's Game of Thrones. Current version of AWOIAF is 7.1. Available to download on ModDB. Or the Steam Workshop Please report any bugs you encounter on the community forums. Feel free to suggest anything you would like to see in this mod. All feedback is appreciated! If you would like to contribute to the Wiki, please request for editing permissions here. 100% of donations and pledges will go towards the modification, making it better for yourself and everyone else. Support the Mod through Patreon or directly through Paypal. A list of all Modification Contributions and Credits can be found HERE. Check out this video HERE |
Mount And Blade Warband Disable Shield Bash