Tesseract Ocr Mac Download

  1. Tesseract Ocr Windows 10
  2. Java - Tess4j Unsatisfied Link Error On Mac OS X
Forked from fractaledmind/install_tesseract.sh

Tesseract Ocr Windows 10

Tesseract Ocr Mac Download
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# courtesy of : <https://ryanfb.github.io/etc/2014/11/13/command_line_ocr_on_mac_os_x.html>
# Check for Homebrew,
# Install if we don't have it
iftest!$(which brew);then
echo'Installing homebrew...'
ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)'
# Ensure `homebrew` is up-to-date and ready
echo'Updating homebrew...'
brew doctor
# Ensure the Homebrew cache directory exists
mkdir ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew
# Install leptonica with TIFF support (and every other format, just in case)
echo'Installing leptonica...'
brew install --with-libtiff --with-openjpeg --with-giflib leptonica
# Install Ghostscript
echo'Installing ghostscript...'
brew install gs
# Install ImageMagick with TIFF and Ghostscript support
echo'Installing imagemagick...'
brew install --with-libtiff --with-ghostscript imagemagick
# Install Tesseract devel with all languages
echo'Installing tesseract...'
brew install --devel --all-languages tesseract
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I have just installed tesseract 3.02 using brew without any issues (osx 10.9). If you don't need version 3.03, you may want to try installing 3.02. Tesseract OCR Mac. Contribute to holtwick/TesseractOCR-For-Mac development by creating an account on GitHub.